But... there's no 'one size fits all'
When’s the last time we are ⚡️AMAZED⚡️ by someone on their accomplishment, hobbies, fitness level, body type, skin, style, etc.? Normally our first instinct will be to ask, ‘HOW did you do it?’ But I think THE question should be - 'WHY do you do it?'
One of my favourite pieces in an art exhibition in Paris, 2015
I met a cool friend @salonbyjess at the gym. I noticed her super good skin and I had to ask her, ‘What did you do to your skin? How did you do it?’ That's a WRONG question. Did I assume whatever she's using will fit me? It was a LAZY question.
We live in a world of instant gratification. We want everything, right now. ✔️We want nice style, so we buy fashionable clothes. ✔️We want nice skin, so we buy expensive skincare. ✔️We want social acceptance, so we seek instant 'likes' from the virtual world. ✔️We want to measure 'success', so the easiest way is to calculate how many shops, money, houses someone owns. We want SHORTCUTS, and we think we did it right by asking how other people do it, so we can replicate.
But ⚡️there's NO one size fits all⚡️.
I think we ALL need to quit this mentality - no one knows our skin, body, sense of aesthetics, style, personality, and what makes us better than we do. Because we are UNWILLING to spend TIME and EFFORT on ourselves, to understand what our mind, body and skin truly needs, we fall for whatever other people tell you is good. We end up wanting EVERYTHING, but NOTHING useful.
E.g. The next time when you watch those beauty / fashion YouTube videos on ‘monthly favourites’ (I quit watching those - is a monthly favourite true ‘favourites’?), you can easily save so much time tuning out because you know what you need and want.
Or you want to ask the fit person in the gym what moves they recommend, ask WHY. Understand the mechanics of why they train their muscles a certain way, and why it (doesn't) applies to you and improvise.
Once we understand what we need, we look for things proactively, and choosing what we want becomes so much easier. We stay away from temptations, and our life will be much simpler with things we actually need.
“Because we are UNWILLING to spend TIME and EFFORT on ourselves, to understand what our mind, body and skin truly needs, we fall for whatever other people tell you is good.”
(Note: This is an adaptation of my IG post dated 17th August 2017.)